Google Meet Security

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google meet security iconEnsuring a safe and secure learning environment is important in our physical classrooms as well as in our online virtual meetings and class get togethers. It is critical that educators take time to review and become familiar with the various security options, controls, and tools available in whatever web/online conference platform you use.

Most of the critical security settings for Google Meet may have already been configured or enabled by your district’s Google Domain Administrator.  Take a few minutes to review these features and strategies, and then check with your school or district’s technology office for more details about the unique policies and practices specific to your community.

Features & FunctionsFunctions & Features

3 Options to Start a Meet

OPTION 1: Start a video meeting from the web browser.

  1. In a web browser, enter

  2. Click Join or start a meeting.

  3. (Optional) To create a nickname for your meeting so that people in your organization can quickly join the meeting, enter a nickname. Make it unique to avoid conflicts and keep uninvited people from accidentally joining.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. Click Join now.

  6. To add someone to a meeting, choose an option:

    1. Click Copy for the joining info and paste the meeting details into an email or another app.
    2. Click Add people and choose an option:
      • Under the Invite section, select a name or enter an email address and click Send invite.
      • Under the Call section, enter a phone number and press Call

Note: You can send a meeting link to people outside of your organization, but someone from within your organization might need to give them access to the video meeting.

 send meeting link  

OPTION 2: Schedule or start a video meeting from Gmail or Calendar. Important note: this option should not be used when scheduling Meets with students to prevent students from returning to the Meet room through the Meet URL.  Reserve this method when scheduling Meets with your colleagues.

From Gmail:

  1. In the sidebar, click Start a meeting.
  2. Click Join now for a video meeting, or click Join and use a phone for audio for an audio-only meeting.
    schedule via gmail

From Calendar:

  1. Click Create
  2. Add your event details and guests.
  3. Click Add rooms, location, or conferencing.
  4. Click Save.
    schedule via calendar

OPTION 3: Using Google Meet in Google Classroom (NEW)

Educators can create a unique Meet link for each class, which is displayed on the Classroom Stream and Classwork pages. The link acts as a dedicated meeting space for each class, making it easy for both teachers and students to join. You can make the link visible to students in the Settings area of your Google Classroom:

gm in classroom

Joining an Existing Google Meet

From Gmail: In the sidebar, click Join a meeting and enter a meeting code.

 join via gmail 

From Calendar: Click the event, then click Join Hangouts Meet.

 join via calendar 

From Meet: Join a scheduled meeting or use a meeting code.

 join via meet app 

From mobile devices: Open the Android or Apple® iOS® Meet app.

 join via mobile 


Teaching Tips iconTeaching Tips

Ensure Students Cannot Start Meetings 

This is a setting in the Admin Console that your Google Domain Administrator most likely has disabled, but it would be advisable to check prior to using Google Meet with students. 

Caution when Schedule a Meet in Calendar 

If Meet links are created using Google Calendar the rooms are opened and accessible as soon as the link is generated, and remain open indefinitely.

Note: This method is
not recommended for use with students.

Integrating Google Meet with Classroom

When integrating Google Meet and Classroom be sure to make the link "visible to students" when you intend to run the Meet. This can be found in the "settings" of the Google Classroom.  All Meet links created by the Classroom integration are nicknamed links, so students can’t join without the instructor present.

People Controls in Meet

As the meeting creator and host, you can mute or remove students or other participants using the “People” window. 

Permit Entry for Guests Outside of Google Domain  

If someone outside of your district wants to join a meeting created in Google Classroom, they will have to ask permission to join, and the host will be able to deny entry or admit them. 

Google Meet Deny Accept 

How to End the Meet Properly & Safely

Google Hangouts Meet sessions are live links. As the host, you need to ensure that every student and participant leaves the meeting before you end the meeting, in order to prevent students from returning to the Meet. Approximately one minute after all participants have left a class, or are removed by the host, the room is closed and cannot be entered without the teacher being present.