Google Meet Chat

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google meet chat iconThe Google Meet Chat tool is where meeting participants are able to post text messages during a meeting. Teachers can use the group chat to gather questions or comments from students, send text messages to students during independent work time activities, get feedback, and gauge comprehension and engagement.

 Teaching Strategies  Teaching Strategies

Warming Up

When using chat, start with a warm up question to encourage students to use the chat window. Make sure everyone can access and use the chat as the screen layout might be different depending on the attendee device.

Back Channels

Chats are great ways to use and monitor “backchannel discussions.” Co-teachers or students can moderate the class chat if the host is presenting to a large group.

 Features & Functions Functions & Features to Know

Note: At this time, Google Meet does not allow the Meet Chat window to be disabled either by hosts or Administrators. Chat is always available and should be monitored.

To enter a Chat message that will be seen by the entire group:

Click the chat icon on the right side of the screen.

google meet chat icon

Enter your message in the "Send a message to everyone" bar at the bottom of the chat window.

google meet enter a chat message

Chat messages will identify the sender by name. 

Chat messages will continue to accumulate for the duration of the Meet and a scroll bar will allow participants to see all of the available Chat messages.

Participants will know there are new messages in Chat when there is a number next to the Chat icon.

google meet chat icon 1

 Teaching Tips icon   Tips

Saving Chat Messages

A Google Meet Host cannot save chat messages. It is recommended that teachers use a cellphone camera or screen capture tool to record items in the chat window.


Google Meets chat only allows whole group chat at this time. All messages in the chat window will be seen by all participants. There is no private messaging option.

Setting Norms

Review how to access chat with students, and be sure to set appropriate norms and guidelines in advance. This includes setting realistic expectations for grammar and spelling.